Wednesday 11 June 2008

Paolo Nutini and the View join forces

Scots seem to stick together, even Scots who you wouldn't expect to. At least that's the lesson to be learned from the unlikely pairing of Dundee rockers the View and Paisley's prettiest crooner, Paolo Nutini.

Though the collaboration was meant to be a secret for the moment, one of the band's parents allowed his enthusiasm get the better of him.

Guitarist Pete Reilly's dad couldn't restrain himself before reporters this weekend, as the View played the Rockness festival by Loch Ness.

It started out innocently enough. "Trust me," the elder Reilly said to Xfm, "it's going to be worth waiting for. It's awesome."

But Reilly's father couldn't leave it at that. "I do believe that they actually kidnapped Paulo Nutini ... and they've done a duet - so there's a wee exclusive for you!"

Though the View's management later confirmed the duet, they expressed the wish that the news be kept secret, Xfm reported.

The View's second and as yet untitled album will be produced by Owen Morris, who helmed their breakthrough debut, Hats Off to the Buskers. Recording is understood to be taking place at Wales' Monnow Valley Studio.

Nutini is also expected to release a new album later this year.

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